Log in or log out (mobile)

If you have logged into eUnity on a mobile device before, the "Recent Connections" area on the login screen shows past URLs that you have logged into. Tap one to connect to it. If it is your first time logging in, the mobile login requires three pieces of information:

  • server
  • username
  • password

The username / password are your standard eUnity login credentials.

Since the installed mobile application might connect to different eUnity instances, the server must be specified. The server can be entered a number of ways and resolves to the following:

  • hostname → https://hostname:443
  • hostname:8443 → https://hostname:8443

When left unspecified, the default access will always resolve to https on port 443.


Always use https for communications; never use http. http is not encrypted, which risks exposing patient and personal information.

Log out

Tap in the upper-right corner of the Search screen. This will return you to the login screen.